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Are you looking for the best casino in Thailand? You may have heard that Thailand does not have any legal land-based casinos and if that's ...

With King Bhumibol Gone, Thailand Could Reconsider Casino Legalization

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Thailand has been widely recognized as the best potential market without legal casinos on best casino in thailand Asian mainland.
The death of King Bhumibol Adulyadej on Thursday changes the political calculus in Thailand, which could lead to reconsideration of the casino question.
Indonesia, Brunei and Thailand are the only three ASEAN countries without legal casinos.
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Casino legalization remains a contentious issue and, with tourism numbers rising, not a particularly pressing one.
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As editor at large for following nearly a decade as a special correspondent for magazine, I cover the casino business in Macau and… Read More As editor at large for following nearly a decade as a special best casino in thailand for magazine, I cover the casino business in Macau and throughout Asia.
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