How To Count Cards In Blackjack and Win at Blackjack
Card Counter 4 is biggest blackjack winner available for iOS and Android smartphones and tablets!
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Card Counter is the best way to learn Blackjack card counting and now it's even more fun!
You've memorized basic strategy and know what to do in every hand.
But now you want more.
Maybe you saw the movie "21", read the book "Bringing Down the House", or just heard about card counting.
Card Counter will teach you everything you need to know without having to enroll at MIT.
Learn everything you need to know on a plane to Las Vegas, a car ride to Atlantic City, or in the comforts of your own home.
HD optimized for smartphones and tablets!
If done correctly a player can get an advantage over the house which means more profits over time.
It's as simple as that.
Counting cards is not illegal as long as external devices such as a smartphone are not used while at the tables.
Counting cards is not as difficult as you might think.
Most people assume you have to remember every single card that has been played.
Fortunately, that isn't the case.
It is the most widely used counting system for both amateur and professional players because of its power and simplicity.
You don't have be a math genius to learn and use this system.
All you have to do is use Card Counter to study, practice, and sharpen your skills.
HOW TO COUNT The counting system works by keeping a running total in your head that tracks the ratio between high and low cards.
The counting system will have a positive running count when the deck has more high cards than low cards.
A deck that has more high cards than low cards is called counting cards blackjack how to hot deck and offers the player several advantages.
First, the player is more likely to get Blackjack or at least counting cards blackjack how to a higher starting hand.
Second, the dealer is more likely to bust question technique pour gagner blackjack all means the player wins.
When a deck is hot the player should increase their bet as the chances for winning increases.
A cold deck means there are a higher number of low cards than high cards.
The running count will be a negative number when this is the case.
Based on this information the player should just bet the minimum and wait for the deck to get hot again.
Here's how it works for the Hi-Lo strategy: Each card is assigned a +1, -1, or 0 value which you add to your running count.
Adding those numbers together would equal a count of 2.
The count carries over to the next deal unless the dealer shuffles to reset the count back to 0.
THE GAME Card Counter will help you improve your card counting skills while having fun at the same time!
There are many levels and rounds of play, counting cards blackjack how to increasing in difficulty.
Go through each counting cards blackjack how to one at a time and try to get a perfect count score.
Each round carries the count over to the next so be sure to always use the previous count as your starting point!
Always remember the running count because it will not always be displayed at the start of the round.
If you answer incorrectly the running count will be briefly displayed so you can get back on track.
If a correct answer is provided quickly, bonus points are awarded based on the time taken to answer.
For every previous round you guessed correctly you get a multiplier bonus up to 5 times the round score.
Just add them to your running count and dial it in to get a perfect score.
The running count is always set at the start of each round.
After this round you will have to remember the running count as it won't be set for you.
You will need to remember it and start with the count from the previous round because the controls will go back to 0.
You'll also notice more cards, faster deals, and a new blackjack simulation showing how a typical deal will look so you can learn to quickly scan a table.
The pedals also will hide while the cards are dealing forcing you to keep the count in your head while you deal.
If you can get perfect on this level then you are doing great and ready for the tables.
Achieving perfect on Hard level is more than enough to have all the skills you need, but if you can get a perfect score on this level then you are truly a master at counting.
Only Blackjack is dealt so you can really focus your skills while at the table.
Each round will get harder by either getting faster or having another player join the table which means more cards.
If you answer incorrectly then the game is over and you take your score.
See how much money you can earn!
HOME SCREEN The home screen has poker chip buttons to display the Study guide, Play the Game, Show Leaderboards, and Show Awards.
The default rule system is Hi-Lo which is recommended if you are just learning to count cards.
If you are already trained on another system KO for example or if you want to input a different custom system then that is also an option.
ABOUT TRUE COUNT The true count should be used in determining how much to bet.
It is calculated by taking the running count and dividing it by the number of decks remaining in the shoe.
Typically a bet factor is applied based on the counting cards blackjack how to count and what you normally bet.
Basic strategy determines how every hand should counting cards blackjack how to played.
Alone it is not enough to have an advantage over the house but that's what card counting provides.
However, card counting requires that basic strategy is followed.
Download our FREE for a quick reference guide to Blackjack Basic Strategy.
The Fastest Way to Memorize Blackjack Basic Strategy
I never learned to count cards, and I've never actually played Blackjack. But I always wanted to check if this card counting was a real thing, ...
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