How a Pro Blackjack Player Battles Mental Fatigue: David and Dusty Part 4
It turns out you still can make money counting cards in casinos.
Edge is professional blackjack player salary average percent over time that the casino will make on each bet.
Different games have different edges, professional blackjack player salary bigger the edge, the bigger the payout and the smaller your chances of winning.
The National Lottery has an edge of around 50%, slot machines 17%, roulette 5.
Blackjack has an edge of 0.
But if you can count cards, you can gain the edge.
Card counting or card reading is a technique players can use predict the cards that will be dealt during a game of blackjack to place bets to the biggest advantage.
Back in the golden age of Vegas — for the casinos, not the players — card counting could professional blackjack player salary in a visit from hired mob goons.
Still, card counting remains popular, the Hollywood glitz and glamour of movies like 21 and the dream of hitting the big time fuels a cottage industry of forums, websites, courses and how-to books promising the secrets and rewards of the technique.
Even before you enter the casino, security cameras check license plates to make sure they know exactly who is coming to play.
Outside the States the focus is on Roulette and Baccarat, meaning all that technology is aimed at actual cheats rather than advantage players.
Could the next card counting Hollywood blockbuster be based in Birmingham, Milton-Keynes or Salford?
You might even be welcomed in.
In fact, even the grandfather of card counting, Prof Edwin Thorpe, wonders why it is still treated as such a big issue in professional blackjack player salary />How does one become a card counter?
This is pretty much knowing the best move to make at any time.
Some of it is intuitive, but not entirely.
Basic strategy needs to be fully memorized before any counting can be learned because most of the time the proper play is simply also basic strategy.
There are about 10-20 less intuitive cases, but most of it makes sense and most regular casino players play about 90% correctly.
The rub is that you are going to need blackjack scores good deal of cash to even start.
You can easily be negative in the first 500 hours.
Boring Even with all this, card counting is still a viable but extremely unlikely career option.
But if it is possible, it begs the question why would anyone quit?
Counting is pretty much like operating as a robot, making bets according to math, and playing according to math.
A Day in the Life of a Retired Blackjack Player
I am a professional Blackjack player, known as an 'Advantage Player'.. I was always interested in Blackjack, and had played a few times a year when I was in ...
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