Seminole casino, Coconut Creek, FL
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Sometimes Published on April 2010 By - Orlando Criminal Defense Attorney Why is it acceptable to lose money to the casinos commercial casinos in florida near orlando the State of Florida but not to your friends?
The answer to that question is because the Florida Legislature said so and because they cannot make any money off of your friends.
Gambling commercial casinos in florida near orlando and is not limited to betting on a billiards or pool game, horse races and sporting events.
Florida in its abundant hypocrisy does allow gambling at a casino operated under the Seminole Gaming Compact.
The State of Florida makes money off of smaller organizations known as cardrooms.
A cardroom is a facility where authorized games are played for money or anything of commercial casinos in florida near orlando and to which the public is invited to participate in such games and charged a fee for participation by the operator of such facility.
In order to operate commercial casinos in florida near orlando of these cardrooms, one has to pay for a license, employee occupational fees, a tax on each person who enters and a tax on the monthly gross receipts.
Recently, the Metropolitan Bureau of Investigation MBIwhich is a 14 agency local, state and federal law enforcement task force, raided a local facility which was operating as a gaming house with slot machines.
According to the MBI they will be charged with racketeering, punishable up to 30 years in prison, operation interesting. monte carlo casino reviews for a slot machine and keeping a gambling house.
MBI is purporting to be moral guardians and protecting their citizens from gambling, but they are aware that lawmakers, judges and law enforcement officers have friendly poker games, office pools and routine bets with each other.
There is an exception to the gambling laws which allows a person to host game.
It is hypocritical that the state puts a limit on how much you can gamble at a private game but has no limit on how much you can spend on lotto, horse races, jai-alais, or casinos.
So why exactly does the state ban poker parties in the privacy of your own home?
Is it because of a moral issue with gambling?
It is obviously not a moral issue but rather a one of greed in that the state of Florida cannot get into your pockets when you are gambling with family or friends.
Orlando Criminal Defense Attorney About Us NeJame Law is known nationwide for its excellent attorneys in the areas of criminal commercial casinos in florida near orlando, personal injury, immigration law, civil and business litigation, family, intellectual property and employment law.
Areas Served Helping clients in Orlando, Kissimmee, Winter Park, Longwood, Altamonte, Ocala and trhoughout Central Florida.
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