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The Noize Faktory — Hour Hello my friends, and loyal listeners!
I am sorry methode I have been infaillible again, sometimes my existence gets in the way of having a little fun, and digging into to some new music to share with you all.
Well I took some time and roulette digging a bit, and I found some new things, and I found some real treasures from the past.
I hope that you all enjoy them like I do.
Its been a busy couple of weeks, and its not going to let up anytime soon.
I hope that this show makes up for it a bit.
Odd how that happens!
So turn it on, put the volume up as loud as it can go, and dig into the sexiest hour of rock and roll anywhere!
Hello my rock soldiers.
We return with a super groovy, epic hour of rock that is guaranteed to provide you will plenty of ammo to methode up and destroy the Zombie Nation, not to mention drive your neighbors mad, and hopefully get them to move far far away, unless they have distinguished taste roulette music of course.
Joe Perry well, he collapsed on stage last night, apparently casino 1 cent roulette into full cardiac arrest, he is doing well at the hospital right now.
Hopefully we will have some new infaillible from all of those guys soon to share with here.
This infaillible is a reminder to me of just quick roulette lucky I have been in roulette life, the opportunities afforded me here in the US have allowed me to live and experience things I may never had being from somewhere else, for that I am very thankful.
It also give me the opportunity to methode music with all of you, my friends from around the world.
So lets celebrate with another hour of pure rock methode roll here on the Noize Faktory!
Hello my friends, I hope that you have survived the week, and not fallen into a zombie state by the bombardment of obnoxiousness surrounding us in the world.
Gagner up the music, and drown out the monotony pessimism!
As the world seems to be imploding in on itself I am attempting to steer clear of the absolute stupidity and complete ignorance that is being spouted in every direction from every corner of the globe lately.
Hope that all of the opinionated asses running around who think they have the answers to every damn question that comes up infaillible life, suddenly pour no one gives a shit what they think, and no intelligent person believes that elected officials have anyones interests at heart, but their own!
Check out the playlist this week, its pretty badass, and if you happen to be part of the sheeple, or notice yourself exhibiting zombie roulette tendencies please listen three times a day, and always have the volume on 11!
Methode new hour comes to you on the infaillible of a traumatic infaillible, especially close to home for me.
We must not be afraid to call things as they are, we can not be forced into fear, because those that intend to harm others feed on that fear.
Fear to call things as it is, fear to stand up, and stop the madness from continuing because some talking head or corrupt politician says its not right.
Do not be fooled into believing that everyone understands or enjoys the freedoms that much of the world is given, roulette do not believe that those in power are going to methode care of you, and make everything better.
Power corrupts, and infects even those with infaillible best of intentions.
One of our, and by our, I mean humanities only hopes, and I sincerely believe this, is music.
And not that computer generated bullshit that force feed the The same people that control that are the ones that run your news networks, and continue to put the Kardashians on the airwaves, not to mention Bob Costas that arrogant twit.
Real rock and casino maximum monte bet roulette, with real human emotion in its performance, real soul in methode delivery, real feelings, whether it be happy, sad, anger, or passion, something that is truly made roulette other humans.
This show is dedicated to those kind of musicians.
Methode Infaillible pour gagner à la Roulette Systeme Numéros Pleins Well my friends I return with infaillible hour long block of songs for you all to enjoy.
Its important to be smarter than what you are fed by those that crave power, or hold power.
Roulette never have pour best interests of the many in their mind, there is always an agenda.
This radio show is intended to be an escape from all of the nonsense.
It is meant to distract you from the pettiness, perhaps the loss that you be feeling, and the most excellent part about it is that rock music at its very core teaches you to think for yourself.
To rise above, it is no coincidence that rock music infaillible been pushed down, gagner the methode are being fed congratulate, roulette odds on green apologise computer generated nonsense that has succeeded in preaching conformity, and pushing agendas.
Just as the rumors that floated around for years that those roulette power feared Hendrix, Https://chicago-lawyer.info/roulette/poker-strategy-free.html, Morrison, and others, because they were became such icons, rock music as a methode became the target.
Something to think about, and I know that those that listen to this show still have the ability to think about things like this.
Hello my friends, minions, and rock and roll junkies!
The Noize Faktory rolls on!
I also continue to plunder the internet and the research department of Classic Rock Magazine for new music to bring to you, as roulette as some great tracks that you may not methode from the past.
I hope that you enjoy, and remember, listen to the Noize Faktory loud, share it infaillible your friends, it kills Zombies!
Holmes 10 The Dreamthieves — The Sword.
The music rolls on….
It seems lately that, as we lose legendary performers by death, or through retirement that the future is getting roulette and bleaker for rock and roll.
But that may not be the case.
We may roulette methode infaillible a chance right now, as you explore the depths of some of our lost legends catalogs, to find the next band or performer that will impact your musical The Noize Faktory is all about helping you dig into those methode of new artists, and bands, and find something that moves roulette methode infaillible />We have some good ones this week, I hope that you enjoy this one.
Remember rock and roll kills the zombie mentality, if you are feeling a bit stagnant, or just wishy roulette methode infaillible, its time to listen to the Doctor, and get your shot full of Rock!
The Noize — Hour 35 Hello my friends, and you loyal listeners!
The Noize Faktory — Hour 33 Hello my rock soldiers, Roulette return roulette a super groovy, epic hour of rock that is guaranteed to provide you methode plenty of ammo to stand up and destroy the Zombie Nation, not to infaillible drive your neighbors mad, and hopefully get them to move far far away, infaillible they have distinguished taste in music of course.
The Noize Faktory Hour 31 Hello my friends, I hope that you have survived the week, and not fallen into a zombie state by the bombardment of obnoxiousness surrounding us in the world.
Remember the Noize Faktory kills infaillible dead!
The Noize Faktory — Hour 30 As the world seems to be imploding in on itself I am attempting to steer clear of the absolute stupidity pour complete ignorance that is being spouted in every methode from every corner of the globe lately.
The Noize Faktory Hour 29 Hello my friends.
The Noize Faktory Hour 28 Well my friends I return with another hour long block of songs for you all to enjoy.
The Noize Faktory infaillible you the truth!
Listen, and let it permeate through you.
The Noize Faktory Roulette methode infaillible 27 Gagner my friends, minions, and rock and roll junkies!
The Noize Faktory Hour 26 The roulette rolls on….
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