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Find information about online slots developed by IGT, that boast the highest payout percentages.. In addition, IGT introduced the first themed slot machines in the industry – Double Diamond and Red, White and Blue.. Odds and Payouts

Megabucks slot machine : Is it possible for IGT to change the odds of the progressive hitting?
Someone won the progressive jackpot remarkable, mgm grand fire slot machine please few days ago only five months after the last progressive win.
It makes me believe they might decrease the odds for the next progressive win.
Is it possible for the Megabucks slot machines to be changed to different odds for the progressive to be won?
Someone estimated the odds of winning the Megabucks progressive at 1 in 49,000,000.
What if each reel has 368 stops and there is one Megabucks symbol on each reel?
You would have one chance in 49,836,032 to hit the Megabucks, and these are the number on the Megabucks par sheet I have.
I do not know if my understanding of stops is correct.
Is it only possible for a stop to have a maximum of 368-1 odds?
Why couldn't a stop have lower odds?
If there are 368 virtual stops, is it possible to program all the Megabucks slot machines to have more stops?
What if there is an RNG that is not for each reel individually, but for all three reels?
The random number generated 1,000,345 will show the combination, "Cherry, Bar, Megabucks symbol.
If so, there could be 100,000,000 combinations.
Like the previous example, more than one random number could be for the same combination.
They could change the probability since Nevada offers server based gaming now.
Unlikely since any rarer jackpot is illegal unless the probability is specifically stated on the pay glass.
For the latter part of your question.
I wouldn't be shocked if both of these factors were the case.
Less coin-in is a near certainty given the recession though.
I highly doubt they decided to up the payouts of the smaller prizes.
I agree with Tring, but think changing the PB would be legal with SBG.
They don't promise you jack anymore compared to the days where much information was available in the help screen.
I also think this should be a regulation of SBG, but I have NEVER seen it mentioned in pop slot literature or any reading.
The coin-in meter incrementation has lowered and most of these are now 86% compared to 89% just click for source way they used to be.
You will never see record JPs again ever.
Quote: tringlomane They could change the probability since Nevada offers server based gaming now.
Unlikely since any rarer jackpot is illegal unless the probability is specifically stated on the pay glass.
They don't state the probability.
What does "rarer jackpot is illegal" mean?
IGT has never stated anywhere what the odds are of hitting the progressive is.
It is a closely guarded secret.
A representative from IGT told me so.
I am not sure how they can get away with not disclosing the odds.
Where is the Nevada Gaming Commission?
Every state lottery discloses the odds of winning their lottery.
By not disclosing the odds, it gives them carte blanche to change the odds whenever they want which is absurd.
The progressive hit yesterday after 5 months.
I am https://chicago-lawyer.info/slot-machine/increase-odds-on-slot-machines.html short time period between jackpots means less profit.
This inclines IGT to reduce the odds of the next progressive hitting if it is legal.
The question is whether it is are how to hack slot machines with phone android are />Quote: jwblue They don't state the probability.
What does "rarer jackpot is illegal" mean?
Maximum odds of a winning combination in most states are 50,000,000 to 1 and 100,000,000 to 1 in NJ.
This can be gotten around I think as long as it isn't a winning combination as I understand it.
Example: games which don't multiply top symbol in bonus such as Cleopatra II.
Quote: onenickelmiracle Maximum odds of a winning combination in most states are 50,000,000 to 1 and 100,000,000 to 1 in NJ.
This can be gotten around I think igt slot machine odds long as it isn't a winning combination as I understand it.
Example: games which don't multiply top symbol in bonus such as Cleopatra II.
But the more I think about it.
Nevada may be 100M to 1, but I am failing to find the right legal blurb.
I know Missouri is 50M to 1.
And even jackpots rarer than 100M to 1 are legal in NV IF the probability is displayed on the payglass.
However, that rule makes them practically illegal since slot machine designers are not idiots.
Quote: tringlomane Yeah, this.
But the more I think about buffalo jackpots slot machine />Nevada may be 100M to 1, but I am failing to find the right legal blurb.
I know Missouri is 50M to 1.
And even jackpots rarer than 100M to 1 are legal in NV IF the probability is displayed on the payglass.
However, that rule makes them practically illegal since slot machine designers are not idiots.
Here is the answer straight from the NGC.
If the odds of hitting any advertised jackpot that is offered by a gaming device exceeds 100 million to one, the odds of the advertised jackpot must be prominently displayed on the award glass or video display.
Some one did an analysis of the odds that didn't make much sense to me.
Does this sound right?
I am not sure why the number of reel positions has any relevance.
What is the PAR sheet he is referring to?
Quote: I recently read an article that quoted Frank Scoblete that the odds of hitting megabucks is 49,836,032 to 1.
If one reel has two megabuck symbols and the other two have one each, the odds would be 67,108,864.
The closest I come is 44,564,480 for a 1 to 1 to 3 weighting.
Thanks, Jim Dear Jim, You said, ".
What if each reel has 368 stops and there is one Megabucks symbol on each reel?
You would have one chance in 49,836,032 to hit the Megabucks, and these are the number on the Megabucks par sheet I have.
Best of luck in and out igt slot machine odds the casinos, John Someone on this forum said the following.
This I find impossible to believe.
Quote: To add another quirk to all you math guru's heads, I read how the megabucks and most other wide area progressives inculding the former jumbo jackpot stations work.
An amount is randomly selected for the igt slot machine odds to hit at and as soon as that amount is achieved the first slot machine signal received will display the jackpot.
In other words the jackpot will never come igt slot machine odds randomly as you guys are suggesting.
It is predetermined and whoever is there at the right time will hit it.
Quote: jwblue Here is the igt slot machine odds straight from the NGC.
Some one did an analysis of the odds that didn't make much sense to me.
Does this sound right?
I am not sure why the number of reel positions has any relevance.
Thanks for finding that legal bit.
The reels are very important.
If John Grochowski, has a PAR sheet for one of them, then it's likely to be the correct odds even today.
The jackpot probability is very likely still 1 in 49,836,032.
The PAR sheet is the "Percentages and Returns" sheet given to gaming personnel from the slot manufacturer.
It tells in detail the expected probability of each outcome, its corresponding payout, and its contribution to the slot machine's expected return.
Quote: tringlomane Thanks for finding that legal bit.
The reels are very important.
If John Grochowski, has a PAR sheet for one of them, then it's likely to be the correct odds even today.
The jackpot probability is very likely still 1 in 49,836,032.
The PAR sheet is the "Percentages and Returns" sheet given to gaming personnel from the slot manufacturer.
It tells in detail the expected probability of each outcome, it's corresponding payout, and it's contribution to the slot machine's expected return.
Why does the odds of each reel hitting a stop have to be equal i.
Why couldn't IGT remotely change the odds of each machine?
Don't they already have a download connection to each machine?
Here is a possible answer to my own question.
Is it possible to remotely change the number of virtual stops?
Quote: The reels in a 3 reel machine have 22 symbols each.
But internally, there are 368 'stops' on a virtual reel.
Each of those virtual stops has an equal chance.
However, the virtual stops are not evenly distributed among the 22 symbols.


536 537 538 539 540

Do you have a question about slot machines or playing slots online?. The machines with the worst odds are the ones with progressive jackpot and slots with features,. Just check out the websites for Bally's, IGT, Microgaming and Playtech.


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